Q.1 What is Abacus?

Answer- An abacus is a tool that has a string of many columns of beads, usually 5 in a column with a divider separating them. It was used for doing arithmetic calculations before the age of calculators and computers.

Q.2 What are the benefits of Abacus?

Answer- There are many benefits to using Abacus in learning math, especially in the formative years. Abacus helps children to visualize maths, improve their arithmetic skills, creativity, and problem-solving abilities.

Q.3 What is the best age to start Abacus Classes?

Answer- The best age for starting Abacus Learning is between 5 to 12 years. At this stage normally the child’s brain is super active and grasping power of brain is at its peak.

Q.4 What is the difference between Abacus and Image Abacus learning?

Answer- Abacus is a tool, which is very simple and logical system. The image abacus is the virtual picture of the tool in the mind. When a child starts using abacus, he starts with the physical tool and later on the tool forms in the mind as virtual tool.

Q.5 How many levels in Abacus system?

Answer- There are Six Basic levels and Four Advance levels. To achieve mastery over all the ten levels it takes around 2 to 3 years. To do Basic Abacus Course (6 Levels), generally it takes 15 – 18 months. However, after 2 – 3 months, a child shows remarkable improvement in mental math capability.

Q.6 When should a child start Abacus Learning?

Answer- The best age for starting Abacus Learning is between 5 to 12 years. At this stage normally the child’s brain is super active and grasping power of brain is at its peak.

Q.7 What are the advantages of Abacus learning?

Answer- Following are the advantages of image abacus learning. It develops children’s ability to perform mental calculation. It boosts children’s confidence. It provides sense of achievement in the child’s proficiency and lead to greater mental capacity. It promotes intuitive thinking. It enhances problem solving capability. It enhances creativity and improve concentration and mental endurance.